Knowledge, Values and Skills in Social Work- respect for the equality, worth and human rights of all people, and for their individuality, privacy and dignity; - understanding of, and commitment to, the rights of the child; - commitment to putting into practice equalities and diversity principles, recognizing and dismantling barriers, and challenging discrimination against people using services, careers, families and fellow-workers; - skills in assessing, jointly with people and families, their circumstances, strengths, needs and preferred outcomes; - understanding of individual, family and community dynamics; - skills and knowledge to deal with hostile and aggressive responses to social work intervention, without putting their own safety at risk; - knowledge of the frameworks of law, policy and regulation affecting social work practice; - skills, knowledge and judgment required to recognize and evaluate levels of risk to children and adults, assess possible measures to reduce and manage the risks, and take appropriate action; - skills in enabling people to exercise choice, be involved in decisions affecting them, and use resources to secure the outcomes they want; - skills in communication, particularly with and on behalf of children and adults with limited ability to convey their own views and wishes; - skills in negotiating and coordinating services provided by networks of social care staff and family careers. 2. Выучите следующие слова, найдите транскрипцию в словаре.
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