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"For the ‘new yellow journalists,’
opportunity comes in clicks and bucks"

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Trans-Pacific Partnership - Транстихоокеанское партнерство
opportunist [??p?'tju?n?st] - оппортунист; конъюнктурщик, приспособленец; соглашатель, лицемер
president-elect [?prez?d(?)nt?'lekt] - избранный, но ещё не вступивший в должность президент
innuendo [??nju'end?u] - косвенный намёк; инсинуация
MO - abbreviation for Missouri [m?'zu?r?] – Миссури
tap into - получить доступ и использовать; подключиться (например, к сети, трубопроводу, любому источнику, в т. ч. в переносном смысле); приобщиться к;  экон. выйти (на новый рынок, в новую область,  завоевать
surge [s???] – 1) подниматься, вздыматься 2) волноваться (о толпе) 3) (на)хлынуть
a surge of activity/in sales of — резкое увеличение активности/продажи чего-л.
a surge of affection for — прилив любви к кому-л. a surge of support/enthusiasm — волна поддержки, прилив энтузиазма 2. (на) хлынуть the crowd surged in — толпа хлынула внутрь anger surged (up) within him — в нём нарастал гнев
helm [helm] - 1. 1) а) рулевое колесо; румпель, штурвал б) оборот руля 2) а) власть, управление б) руль (рычаг управления) to take (over) the helm — брать руль, управление at the helm — у руля
mainstream ['me?nstri?m] 1. 1) основной поток реки 2) а) мейнстрим, основное течение, господствующая тенденция, главное направление
yellow journalist - журналист, пишущий для бульварной прессы, журналист, пишущий для желтой прессы
swell [swel] - 1) а) = swell up, = swell out надуваться, раздуваться, набухать, разбухать, опухать б) увеличиваться, разрастаться, расширяться The ranks of the unemployed are daily swelling. — С каждым днём увеличивается количество безработных. 2) подниматься (об уровне воды)
yell [jel] - 1) вопить, кричать 2) выкрикивать to yell out curses — изрыгать проклятия
itinerant [a?'t?n?r?nt] - переезжающий с места на место
flimsy ['fl?mz?] - ломкий, непрочный, хрупкий; тонкий (о ткани)
cart away - отвозить
byline ['ba?la?n] - строка с именем автора (в начале или конце статьи)
Airbnb (по-русски пишется «Эйрбиэнби») - онлайн-площадка для размещения, поиска и краткосрочной аренды частного жилья по всему миру
strip of - лишать
accoutrement [?'ku?t?m?nt]  = accouterment -  дополнение, аксессуар (к одежде, снаряжению), антураж; внешние атрибуты, отличительные знаки
strew [stru?]  strewed; strewed, strewn - разбрасывать; разбрызгивать
creak [kri?k] - скрипеть
trending – актуальный,  Интернет набирающий популярность; популярный
scrape by - с трудом выживать; еле тянуть; перебиваться
internship – интернатура, стажировка, учебная практика
scalp [sk?lp] - спекулировать, перепродавать по завышенной цене (билеты на концерты и спортивные мероприятия
alt-right - альтернативные правые
aggregate ['?gr?ge?t] - собирать в одно целое, объединять, соединять; сосредоточивать
defect - изменить; дезертировать; переметнуться в лагерь противника; нарушить свой долг; отступиться (от своей партии и т. п.); перейти на сторону противника
settle into - привыкать; обживаться; устроиться
revelation [?rev(?)'le??(?)n] - 1) открытие; раскрытие (тайны и т. п.) ; разоблачение 2) откровение
setup - обстановка
stoke fear - подливать масла в огонь, поддерживая страх
infiltrate ['?nf?ltre?t] - 1) проникать (об идеях и т. п.) 2) внедряться, проникать, просачиваться
Paul Davis Ryan - Пол Дэвис Райан - спикер Палаты представителей Конгресса США с 29.10.2015 г.
shock value - эпатажность

By Terrence McCoy November 20 at 5:44 PM

LONG BEACH, Calif. — Fewer than 2,000 readers are on his website when Paris Wade, 26, awakens from a nap, reaches for his laptop and thinks he needs to, as he puts it, “feed” his audience. “Man, no one is covering this TPP thing,” he says after seeing an article suggesting that President Obama wants to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership before he leaves office. Wade, a modern-day digital opportunist, sees an opportunity. He begins typing a story.

“CAN’T TRUST OBAMA,” he writes as the headline, then pauses. His audience hates Obama and loves President-elect Donald Trump, and he wants to capture that disgust and cast it as a drama between good and evil. He resumes typing: “Look At Sick Thing He Just Did To STAB Trump In The Back… .”

Ten minutes and nearly 200 words later, he is done with a story that is all opinion, innuendo and rumor. He types at the bottom, “Comment ‘DOWN WITH THE GLOBALISTS!’ below if you love this country,” publishes the story to his website,, and then pulls up the Facebook page he uses to promote the site, which in six months has collected 805,000 followers and brought in tens of millions of page views. “WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!” he writes, posting the article. “#SHARE this 1 million times, patriots!” Then he looks at a nearby monitor that shows the site’s analytics, and watches as the readers pour in.

“Down with the globalists,” writes a woman in Cape Girardeau, Mo., one of 3,192 people now on the website, 1,244 of whom are reading the story he just posted.

“Down with the globalists!” writes a man in Las Vegas.

Now 1,855 are reading the story.

“DOWN WITH THE GLOBALISTS !!!” writes a woman in Helena, Mont. Now 1,982.

At a time of continuing discussion over the role that hyperpartisan websites, fake news and social media play in the divided America of 2016, LibertyWritersNews illustrates how websites can use Facebook to tap into a surging ideology, quickly go from nothing to influencing millions of people and make big profits in the process. Six months ago, Wade and his business partner, Ben Goldman, were unemployed restaurant workers. Now they’re at the helm of a website that gained 300,000 Facebook followers in October alone and say they are making so much money that they feel uncomfortable talking about it because they don’t want people to start asking for loans.

Instead, Wade hums a hip-hop song and starts a new post as readers keep reading, sharing and sending in personal messages. One comes from a woman who frequently contacts his page. “YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE I TRUST TO REPORT THE TRUTH,” is one of the things she has written, and Wade doesn’t need to look at her Facebook profile to have a clear sense of who she is. White. Working class. Midwestern. “And the economy screwed her.”

He writes another headline, “THE TRUTH IS OUT! The Media Doesn’t Want You To See What Hillary Did After Losing... .”

“Nothing in this article is anti-media, but I’ve used this headline a thousand times,” he says. “Violence and chaos and aggressive wording is what people are attracted to.”

“Our audience does not trust the mainstream media,” Goldman, 26, says a little later as Wade keeps typing. “It’s definitely easier to hook them with that.”

“There’s not a ton of thought put into it,” Wade says. “Other than it frames the story so it gets a click.”

“True,” Goldman says.

“We’re the new yellow journalists,” Wade will say after a day and night when the number of people following LibertyWritersNews on Facebook will swell by more than 20,000. “We’re the people on the side of the street yelling that the world is about to end.”

But for now, it’s only 7 p.m., readers on both coasts are still awake, and there are several more stories that need posting.

An itinerant lifestyle

Everything about the lives of Wade and Goldman has the flimsy feel of something that can be taken apart in a matter of hours, boxed up and carted away, from the fake bylines they use — Wade is Paris Swade; Goldman is Danny Gold — right down to the rental they found on Airbnb. It is stripped of accoutrements, except for some clothes strewn across the bedroom floors, a pair of laptops and a PlayStation 4. They say they plan on spending two more months here and don’t know where they’ll be after that. Every evening, they write stories on the couch, watch them go viral, schedule more for morning, head off to bed, and now, on another morning, comes Goldman, creaking down the steps.

“My article got banned,” Goldman says, explaining Facebook had removed a trending piece headlined: “Right After LOSING The Election, Hillary Clinton Just Humiliated Herself In Worst Way Ever!!”

“F--- Facebook,” Wade says, knowing its algorithms sometimes assume that rapidly shared articles are spam and temporarily blocks them if posted by an alternative outlet. “They had a spam filter.”

Wade calls their server technician in Texas. “I don’t know what we have to do to get through these spam filters,” Wade says into the phone. “But we’ve probably lost thousands of dollars because of them.”

Goldman sits on the couch, logs onto an advertiser’s website and looks up how much money they’ve nonetheless made.

“Super great election sales,” he says. “There were some days where we were getting $13, $14 per 1,000 views.” Between June and August, they say, when they had fewer than 150,000 Facebook followers, they made between $10,000 and $40,000 every month running advertisements that, among other things, promised acne solutions, Viagra alternatives, ways to remove lip lines, cracked feet, “deep fat,” and “the 13 sexiest and most naked celebrity selfies.” Then the political drama deepened, and their audience expanded fivefold, and now Goldman sometimes thinks that what he made in the last six months would have taken him 20 years waiting tables at his old job.

Wade and Goldman now have a lawyer and an accountant, employ other writers and are expanding so quickly that they’re surprised to think the majority of their adult lives were spent scraping by. They graduated from the University of Tennessee — Wade in 2012 with an advertising degree and Goldman in 2013 with a business degree — but could only find unpaid internships and ended up working at a Mexican restaurant. On weekends, they would sell water bottles at college football games, and Goldman scalped tickets. Neither thought much about politics. Raised in liberal homes, they both voted for Obama twice, but as they struggled to find better jobs, they began to doubt those votes, their college education and the progressive values with which they were raised.

They moved to California, first Wade, then Goldman, and started an advertising business that quickly failed. But it did attract one client who ran numerous alt-right Facebook pages. He needed more writers, and in 2015 Wade and Goldman started doing stories and getting paid based on how many clicks they got. The first story Wade did aggregated a South Korean news report that claimed an anonymous source had said that a North Korean scientist had defected with data from human experiments. Wade knew he needed a picture to sell the story to readers. He searched online for an image of a human experiment that, as he describes it, would make people think, “What is that? I got to click.” He found what he recalls was a “totally misleading” photograph of a fleshy mass and made it the featured image. He wrote the headline, “[PROOF] N. Korea Experiments on Humans,” published the story and made $120 off 10 minutes of work. It was, he says, a revelation: “You have to trick people into reading the news.”

Now settled into the career that has grown from that revelation, Wade turns the television to Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist with nearly 1.4 million followers on Facebook, who is the opportunist they would most like to become. Wade clicks on the LibertyWritersNews site, which says at the bottom, “You Can Count On Liberty Writers News,” begins typing a new story, and looks up to watch Jones yell into the camera. But it isn’t Jones’s monologue that Wade notices. It’s his setup. “We want to start filming in a studio like that,” Wade says. “That stuff works on Facebook.”

What works on Facebook and what doesn’t work occupies many of the conversations between Wade and Goldman. Explicitly telling people to prove that they support Trump by sharing their stories works, so they do that. Neither of them is particularly religious, but their readers are, so in their writing they ask God to bless the president-elect, and that works, too. So does exaggeration: “OBAMA BIRTH SECRETS REVEALED! The Letters From His Dad Reveal Something Sinister... .” And stoking fear: “Terrorists Have Infiltrated the US Government! Look Who They Want to ASSASSINATE!!” And inflaming racial and gender tension: “BREAKING: Michelle Obama holds Feminist Rally At HER SLAVE HOUSE!” And conspiracy theories: “BREAKING: Top Official Set to Testify Against Hillary Clinton Found DEAD!”

Wade now finishes a new post calling House Speaker Paul D. Ryan a traitor because “our audience hates Paul Ryan.” He shares a story he wrote on their Facebook page claiming that former president Bill Clinton will soon go to jail, not because Clinton will soon go to jail, but because his audience wants to hear that Clinton is a criminal.

“All successful journalism has shock value,” Goldman says as he and Wade sit at their computers later that day.

“There was once a lot more competition among newspapers,” Wade says. “It was like a race to see who could write the craziest s---.”

. . .



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