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Олимпийское табло на Трафальгарской площади - Лондон, 2012 (фото 146)

На фото: олимпийское табло на Трафальгарской площади, отсчитывающее время до паралимпийских игр - Лондон, 2012. На заднем плане - колонна Нельсона.

В центре Трафальгарской площади расположена колонна Нельсона из темно-серого гранита высотой 44 метра, увенчанная статуей адмирала Нельсона. Четыре стороны колонны украшены фресками, изготовленными из захваченных и переплавленных наполеоновских пушек. Она сооружена в 1840—1843 гг., окружена скульптурами львов и фонтанами. По углам площади — четыре скульптуры.

Trafalgar Square is a public space and tourist attraction in central London, built around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. It is in the borough of the City of Westminster. At its centre is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. There are a number of statues and sculptures in the square, with one plinth displaying changing pieces of contemporary art. The square is also used for political demonstrations and community gatherings, such as the celebration of New Year's Eve. The name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars over France. The original name was to have been "King William the Fourth's Square", but George Ledwell Taylor suggested the name "Trafalgar Square".

Nelson’s Column had been planned independently of Barry’s work. In 1838 a Nelson Memorial Committee had approached the government, proposing that a monument to the victor of Trafalgar, funded by public subscription, should be erected in the square, and the government had provisionally agreed. A competition was held, the winning design, by the architect William Railton, being for a Corinthian column topped by a statue of Nelson, with an overall height of more than 200 feet, guarded by four sculpted lions. The design was approved, with the proviso that the overall height should be reduced to 170 feet, and construction began in 1840. The main construction of the column was completed, and the statue raised, in November 1843. However, the last of bronze reliefs on the pedestal of the column was not installed until May 1854, and The four lions, although part of the original design, were only added in 1867.

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